
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Growler Wars: Sly Fox vs. Uinta

Two growlers. Two beers. Two frosted glasses. One winner.

Sly Fox Royal Weisse
This beer, which is available in cans (which kind of rules), features a cloudy golden color and a head that dissipates alarmingly quickly, which makes you fear that the beer could be a little flat. But don't be alarmed! Unless you are buying from a rather shady distributor, it should be fine. It's got a fragrant, spicy scent and all the earmarks of a classic Belgian. There's also a hint of orange. Smooth without being overly light.

Uinta Hop Notch IPA
Pours a persistent head and features a subtle hoppy scent. The color lands somewhere between a golden and an amber. The hops are perhaps a bit understated and the finish isn't as clean as would be desired. Can taste notes of grapefruit underneath, but overall the effect is a bit murky. While it isn't watered down, it's missing something that would make it pop.

The Winner
When I do these things, the IPA is always going to have a leg up. I am simply an IPA man. However, the Sly Fox offering was clearly the better beer in this case. With the brewery's goat race event coming up quick, it's a good reminder of how effective their product can be. I will certainly make it a priority to taste one on May 6.

The Pizza Project
Just a nibble:
Single slice:
The full pie:

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