
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

PHOTO OF THE WEEK - New Year's Part II - Chinatown, Philadelphia

I ventured downtown with the camera club to shoot the festivities at 11 a.m. this past Sunday getting some great shots. Alas, my card got corrupted. This is a great experience for the family and the photographer here captured by Joseph Kaczmarek. Grabbed a banging wonton soup at Wong Wong on the corner of Race and 10th to keep warm. This party looks like it went on well into the evening and the night time certainly offers more character to the sizzling firecrackers and colorful dragons. Will be bringing a backup card and earplugs next year much later in the day.
Photo credit to Joseph Kaczmarek (©2012), see more photos at


The Pizza Project
Just a nibble:
Single slice:
The full pie:

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