
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Weekend in Margate: Junior's Donuts and Dogs

The little guy woke up early on July 4th. Evidently, kids don't understand the concept of sleeping in on vacation. The wife is still recovering from a slight bout of strep throat, so after struggling to get Saucy Jr. back to sleep, I decided to get him out and about instead. So although we were roughly a mile and a half away, I decided to walk him to Junior's Donuts and Dogs. We headed down Atlantic Avenue, passing Lucy the Elephant. We waved a quick Hello, but kept on cruising. I didn't know if Junior's would accept card so we stopped at a local Wawa, parking the stroller in an area that seemed specially designated for bikes and baby pushers. After hitting the ATM - braving a possible upbraiding for assuming the burden of a withdrawl fee - we moved on along our journey toward sugary sustenance. After a few more blocks (and a lot more sweat accumulation), we arrived at our destination. I removed the Sauce from his wheeled chariot and we waited in line with the other patrons, many of which became locked in involuntary staring matches with a hungry toddler. When it was my turn to order, I didn't hesitate*: Two large, chocolate strewn chocolate donuts, a sizeable chocolate milk, and a Diet Coke for myself (as if a lengthy walk had not already woken me up). I gathered up some napkins (surprised I remembered them) and all of the goods and walked over to find a seat. Most of the tables on their premises were taken or in too close of a proximity to other customers. I am not a social animal. So I looked for other options. And there it was. An open park bench...

And this is how we found ourselves, two men - one big, one small, chomping donuts, wiping sludge off of each other's faces, swilling breakfast beverages (some more conventional than others) all while looking out at the golden light of a South Jersey morning on the dock of the bay.

It was enough to make a fella want to get up a little earlier on the weekends.

* I hesitated a little. I didn't know if they would make hot dogs for breakfast though.

Junior's Donuts & Dogs

(609) 823-8790

9315 Amherst Ave
Margate City, NJ  08402

Junior's Donuts & Dogs on Urbanspoon

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