
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Tale of the Pie: Nonna Rosa Pizzeria and Restaurant

Another Friday, another pizza. This time, we decided to try out Nonna Rosa Pizzeria and Restaurant. Until Lent is over, pepperoni and buffalo wings are an absolute no-no, so we ordered a plain pie with extra sauce and a mozzarella sticks appetizer.

The pie was delivered in a fair amount of time for a pizza joint in the heart of No-Meat season. I would say it arrived about 45 minutes after the phone call. Even better, the delivery guy showed an admirable amount of honesty when, after he had quoted me the price of $18 (an affordable price for a large pie and sticks), I stated that I had a $2 coupon. Instead of just saying it had already been taken off, which I would have believed, he shaved the price of the coupon off of the $18. This act, along with the fact that Nonna Rosa has yet to jump on the delivery charge revolution, earned the delivery guy a very hearty 25 percent tip.

I wish I could say that the taste of the pizza lived up to the quality of the service. The sticks were tasty enough, but it was really just an average pie. They responded to our request of extra sauce with a little bit of a drowning. Plus, the sauce tasted a little bit odd to me. The wife wondered if it was a little bit sugary for me, and I really couldn't say. All I could state was that it tasted a little too much like pasta sauce as opposed to one you would find on a pizza (it should be stated that the wife did not mind the sauce, and thought it to be somewhat distinctive).

The crust was also a bit hard. When you would go to manipulate it for a bite, it wouldn't so much fold as it would sort of break in half. The rigid nature also made it a little difficult to enjoy the upper crust, which was a bit too sizeable, like they were running out of ingredients and decided to quit a little early when they got to the top edges of the pie. Amazingly - and this is a tribute to the fact that they overloaded on the extra sauce - the crust got flimsy in the middle. The sauce was so abundant that it soaked into the crust and thinned it out so that it was a little difficult to eat. As for the cheese, it was very indistinctive. It was a bit clumpy, even though the pizza was a hot-enough temperature upon arrival despite the lack of a warmer bag.

Although this review is coming off as quite poor, I did eat four slices. This could mean one of two things. Either I was very hungry, or the pizza was a little more than the sum of its parts. I don't know if I would recommend it to you, but if you wanted to try it, get it on a Tuesday. On this day, they offer a very cool "Beat the Clock" special: From 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., order a large pie and the price you pay is the time that you placed the call. So if you call at 6:15 p.m., you get the pie for $6.15. That would be so cheap that you really wouldn't expect much, a good attitude to have when ordering from Grandma Rose. It may be a very average pie, but $6.15 for dinner is $6.15 for dinner.


2111 W. Main St.
Jeffersonville, PA 19403

Pros: Good service, tasty mozzarella sticks

Cons: Odd sauce, clumpy cheese, hard and thick crust

Nonna Rosa Pizza on Urbanspoon

1 comment:

  1. Pie ... not so hot. But they do make some tasty entrees if you try their catering services.
