
Saturday, April 2, 2011

How Stupid Does Domino's Pizza Think We Are?

First, Domino's Pizza's nefarious CEO Patrick Doyle had the balls to tell us that people who think they are sitting in a bland conference room ragging on their pizza were somehow magically transported to a field of tomatoes, and now they are trying to make us swallow the idea that this blithering idiot Tate Dillow is responsible for the chicken at all of their 9,000 corporate and franchise locations! This, quite simply, is not physically possible. I refuse to believe that this guy, like some sort of pizza version of Fight Club's Tyler Durden, is flying from city to city making sure that every order of Domino's buffalo chicken wings is cooked to meat some sort of pre-set ideal. I don't care how many spices he sprinkles in for the cameraman's affirmation. I say that this Tate guy is a fraud. But I don't know. Maybe he does have some sort of mystical power for space-and-time manipulation. Meet the fellow and decide for yourself:

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